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Bulk Email Sender

Send personalised emails fast to some or all of your contacts. Each person sees only their email address. Easy to set up and use.

Starts at only £4.95 per month +VAT


Say goodbye to going through your address book contacts one by one, or sending a mass impersonal text by 'Bcc'. With the Just1StepAhead Email Sender you compose one message and Email Sender personalises it for each contact in the group.

Each person thinks you've sent it just to them.

You upload your contact data to our platform, compose your email, merging the personalised data, press the 'Send' button and watch those emails get on their way!

Email is an inexpensive way of communicating information. Its disadvantage is that emails can be easily deleted without even being read. That is why we recommend you back up an email with an SMS. We also have advice for our customers about how to get emails opened and read, keeping you Just 1 Step Ahead.

Just1StepAhead Email Sender only costs £4.95 + vat per month and for that you can send up to 25,000 emails per month. It's a rolling subscription which you can cancel at any time. If you send between 25,001 and 50,000 emails in a month, we'll bill you £9.95 + vat the next month. Up to 100,000 emails, it'll be £14.95 next month. The subscription goes up and down according to how many emails you send in the previous month.

We'll even clean your data, up to 5,000 email addresses, free, when you subscribe. In fact, we insist on it.

Bulk Text Sender

Send personalised text messages about special offers or events and look out for instant results. International texts included.


Just1StepAhead Text Sender

With the Just1StepAhead Text Sender you compose one text up to 765 characters and Text Sender personalises it for each contact in the group. You press 'Send' and off they go.

According to the research, a majority of people actually want to receive texts about special offers, events, new deals from organisations they know and trust.

Research also shows that 96% of text messages are opened within 15 minutes of sending. It's a highly immediate medium with a huge return on investment. People will take action. You'll get phone calls or texts back within minutes and increased attendance at events.

You can send from an 11-character company name, but that means recipients cannot text you back, and these days customer relations is all about dialogue. That's why we give you the option of sending from a real mobile number so you can receive both texts and calls and start the conversation which leads to a sale. And if you want to receive incoming texts on your computer, check out our 'virtual' mobile numbers (VMN's) below Text Sender on the product page.

For businesses with more than one branch, Just1StepAhead allows you to integrate any number of different branch sending numbers to add yet another personal touch and generate more sales.

You buy credits at whatever rate you want and with Just1StepAhead, they never expire.

If your contacts' mobile phone numbers are not yet in a manageable form, you can turn them into a useable database with Just1StepAhead Database Maker. We also have advice about how to get the most out of text when you register with Just1StepAhead.

In addition, with Just1StepAhead you can text the UK and almost anywhere in the world at the same price *. How good is that?

* A text to a few countries will cost two credits because of high charges for incoming texts to one or more of their destination mobile phone companies. They are currently: Argentina (+54), Austria (+43), Belgium (+32), Bulgaria (+359), Finland (+358), France (+33), Germany (+49), Hungary (+36), Italy (+39), Ivory Coast (+225), Netherlands (+31), Romania (+40), Spain (+34).

Our Rates

From - To Price
10 (min-order) - 24 6p + VAT
25 - 49 5p + VAT
50 - 99 4.2p + VAT
100 - 249 3.75p + VAT
250 - 999 3.6p + VAT
1,000 - 9,999 3.5p + VAT
10,000 - 24,999 3.4p + VAT
25,000 - 49,999 3.3p + VAT
50,000 - 99,999 3.2p + VAT
100,000 And up 3.1p + VAT

Database Maker

Import or create your very own database. Easily gather all your contacts into one place and instantly send emails and texts.

Starts at only £4.95 per month +VAT.


With Just1StepAhead Database Maker you can import or create your very own database. We've made it easy to gather all your contacts into one place and instantly use them to send emails and texts. Even a beginner can get started at once.

When we speak to small business owners, ministers and directors of charities, and ask them where they keep their contact data, they often admit they don't really know. Let's be clear. Your customer or member data is your most valuable asset. Contacting them regularly builds that precious 'goodwill'. But you can't stay in contact with them if their details are all over the place.

Database Maker is going to help you bring all your email lists, phone contacts, physical address books and appointment books into one powerful place.

So what is a 'Database'? It's any list of people with their names, contact details and maybe a key marker arranged in columns. Each column is a 'field'. Each row is a 'record'. You can build one as a simple text file separating the 'fields' with commas or you can use a spreadsheet like Excel, and if you have the knowledge, go for it.

But if you aren't that geeky, help is at hand. The Just1StepAhead Database Maker easily allows you to import your contacts' email addresses and type in their mobile numbers. Data is saved on your computer and is immediately available for the Just1StepAhead Email and Text Senders. We even have a ready-made template so a total novice can start turning contact details into a professional database today. If you just spend two hours at your keyboard on the Just1StepAhead Database Maker with your mobile phone or appointment book by your side, you will have a couple of hundred records stowed in your database before you go to bed.

When you register at Just 1 Step Ahead you get access to our Tips & Guides which give you step-by-step instructions on how to import your contacts' email addresses from Address Book, LinkedIn or web-based email programmes. You can then save them safely on your computer or our secure server. And if you have those people's mobile numbers elsewhere, you can easily add a column and type them in. Now you can start using the Email Sender and Text Sender to let your contacts know how your new deal, special offer or great event will benefit them.

All of a sudden, you are Just 1 Step Ahead of all those who don't bother!

The Just1StepAhead Database Manager is £4.95 + vat / month and for that you can make a 12-column database of up to 5,000 records. It's a rolling subscription which you can cancel at any time. If you build up to between 5,001 and 10,000 records or add another six columns, we'll bill you £9.95 + vat the next month. Up to 20,000 records, it'll be £14.95 next month. The subscription depends on how big your database is.

Just 1 Step Ahead Database Maker is fully integrated with the Just 1 Step Ahead Email and Text Senders.

SMS Notifications for WooCommerce

If you have a WooCommerce store on the WordPress platform, the Just1StepAhead PlugIn notifies you of new orders by text. The PlugIn is available from the WordPress PlugIn marketplace, or you can download it here and install it direct:



Extend your WooCommerce store capabilities and create new opportunities for your business with Just1StepAhead SMS Notifications PlugIn for WooCommerce.

You will:

1 Receive a text about new orders and products out of stock, 2 Keep your customers in the loop by SMS on their order status, And you can also use Just1StepAhead to: 3 Promote your products and services via targeted, personalised bulk email, 4 Promote events and product launches by targeted, personalised bulk SMS.


1 User-friendly interface means this PlugIn is really simple to set up and use, 2 We are first-language English so everything is easy to understand, 3 You learn instantly about new orders, cancellations and products out of stock, 4 Your customers receive a text confirming their order and its status, 5 You can customise how much information you and they receive, 6 Our SMS service is international, 7 The Just1StepAhead site is https-secure keeping you and your data safe, 8 Yes, like every other free-to-install WooCommerce SMS PlugIn you'll need to buy mobile phone credits up front - but ours are really inexpensive. For example, 100 texts cost 3.75p each (£3.75/100 + VAT). Buy 1,000 and they'll be 3.5p each. The more you buy at any one time the less they cost. 9 You can pay by debit or credit card and our card gateway provider has a secure vault to store your card information, 10You can quickly upload your contacts to Just1StepAhead to send bulk emails and texts, 11 When you promote Just1StepAhead to your friends, you receive 10% of what they spend through our affiliate set-up, 12 We have lots of help, advice and information on Just1StepAhead about effective marketing, database creation, the General Data Protection Regulation and so on, with do's and dont's to make your sales and marketing the best they can be, 13 We are going to help you stay Just One Step Ahead of the competition!

IMPORTANT: Just1StepAhead SMS Notifications requires WooCommerce 3.0.0 or higher, WordPress 2.7 or higher, and PHP 5.3 or higher.


English only for now...

Technical Support

We offer technical support through the Just1StepAhead website, with real people based in the UK. But honestly, our system is deliberately designed to be simple and user-friendly.


We would not even have the nerve to ask you for donations for a PlugIn selling you SMS credits. All we ask, if you like our PlugIn, is that you leave positive reviews and five stars.


To www.GreyAlders.co.uk who provide accommodation in the heart of Celtic West Wales and sell the best Welsh produce you can buy both online and in Carmarthen Farmers’ Market for inspiring us to create Just1StepAhead SMS Notifications for WooCommerce. To Isaac Kwan who developed it and did all the coding. To all who use it and help us improve it. To all who encourage us with positive reviews and comments. To the Lord on high, to whom goes all the glory! Thank you very much to all!

Virtual Mobile Number

A normal-looking mobile number which receives texts as usual but conveniently displays the incoming messages on your computer.

Basic number and interface just £7.50 per month +VAT.


If you have more than a couple of hundred mobile numbers you are sending to, fielding incoming texts on a conventional phone can be time-consuming.

A 'virtual' mobile number solves the problem. To the recipients it looks just like a normal mobile number, so unlike five-digit 'short numbers' and premium numbers they know they can text back to your virtual number at their normal mobile texting rate.

Now here's the clever bit. The Just 1 Step Ahead VMN module displays the incoming messages on your computer screen a bit like email, and you can reply one-on-one as well, using your keyboard rather than those irritating phone buttons. How radical is that?

There is only one disadvantage with a VMN - it cannot receive calls. If anyone actually phones it, they will hear a message telling them they have 'dialled an incorrect number' or words to that effect. Just so you know.

By the way, when you send your first text from any number, tell the people who you are. Research shows that people want to receive texts from organisations they know and trust, so they will probably save your number and see it's from you next time you send.

Database Work

We provide a lot of free tips on databases in our members' area, but we also offer paid help entering or sorting out your contacts if you need it.


Our products have been designed to be easy-to-use (what the geeks call 'intuitive') and there is a lot of written help on our product pages. There is so much free advice on starting and maintaining databases and importing and gaining contacts in our members area that you probably won't need our paid help. You may be too busy or just lack the confidence to set up a Facebook page or a basic website or perhaps you need help sorting out your shop or your contacts.

So if you need any help getting started, collecting your email addresses and mobile numbers from all over the place, setting up a Facebook page, or a shop, we are happy to do that. If you need assistance entering or sorting out your data, we are happy to provide that too.

We charge just £13.75 +vat per hour for basic data entry and £27.50 + vat per hour for design work or organising data and you will get your money's worth. One hour of data entry will probably cover 200 entries of first name, last name and mobile number, while one hour of data organising will cover quite a bit of sorting out of data you have already entered or imported. As soon as we receive your order, we'll email you to ask when you are available. Then we'll call you and get started. Alternatively, ring us on 01267 667668 or 07944 668809 for a chat or a quote.

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If you find something that appears to be a bug; maybe something isn't displaying corrently, or a product is not working as expect, or is not working at all, then get in touch using this form.

We need to know a few simple things to help fix the issue:

  • Your browser version
  • Your Operating System
  • Your viewport size (This is the size of the window you are viewing the site in, minus the URL bar, tabs, bookmark bars, toolbars and so on)
  • What you were doing when it happened
  • What the error is

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